Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Classics Club 10-year anniversary

 The Classics Club, which I joined 11 months ago, turned 10 years old this month. They've asked members to answer the following questions, so here's my input:

  1. When did you join the Classics Club? I joined back in October, 2021, when I composed my list of 50 classics to read in the next 5 years.
  2. What is the best classic book you’ve read for the club so far? Why? I've only read 8 since joining, so out of those: Empire of the Sun. I'm a big fan of "war" books and this one, about the Pacific, which I don't read about much, was a great read.
  3. What is the first classic you ever read? Oh wow. The first that I remember was Idylls of the King by Tennyson, in 9th grade (1981). Will probably re-read it here in the next year or so.
  4. Which classic book inspired you the most? Wow. That's quite the question. I'd have to say The Iliad, but the version that I love the most, have read twice, and will probably read again this year: War Music. The most incredible translation ever. Simply put. And the Audible version is just so wonderful, I could listen to it annually.
  5. What is the most challenging one you’ve ever read, or tried to read? Oh dear God. I know Middlemarch is supposed to be good. But holy crap, I hated it. Granted this was back in 2005? 2006? Still, you'd have to pay me to try it again. 
  6. Favourite (sic...ha!) movie adaptation of a classic? Least favorite? Thirteenth Warrior (Beowulf, and don't tell me it isn't) for my favorite. If my dear reader(s) claim that doesn't count, then I'd have to say the Daniel Craig-led version of The Sword of Honour is smashingly good. Undeniably it is the "updated" version of The Great Gatsby. Horrible.
  7. Which classic character most reminds you of yourself? What? OMG. I'll take a pass.
  8. Has there been a classic title you expected to dislike and ended up loving? Respecting? Appreciating? Bright Lights, Big City. My wife chose it for our family book club and I thought, Ugh, I'll muscle through it. Holy crap it was so creative and great.
  9. Classic/s you are DEFINITELY GOING TO MAKE HAPPEN next year? The War of the End of the World, by Llosa Vargas. Not in Kindle, or Audible, sadly. Library?
  10. Favorite memory with a classic and/or your favourite memory with The Classics Club? The Name of the Rose was a pivotal moment in my life, where I realized "real" literature could be worth the time, and could be incredible. I still re-read it every 10 years or so. Love this book. 
Classics Club is a great group and I'd highly suggest interested readers out there join. 


  1. Nice!
    If you can't find The War of the End of the World at your library, I can send you the ebook for free. Just send me an email - see my blog page to get my email address:

    I also hated Middlemarch!!
    I'm just finishing my 3rd list of Classics: the link is at the end of my answers to this same questionnaire:

  2. Wow, you've been through three lists already! Oy. And I may just email you for the ebook. Merci!


April 2024

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