Sunday, September 3, 2023

Cursed Bunny, by Bora Chung (tr. Anton Hur)

 What a great book of short stories! This book has been popping up on book blogs for a while now so I put in a hold at my local library and lo and behold, it came in! I loved this book from cover to cover. 

First off, there are 10 stories in this book, in 247 pages. The font is large and the pages are small, so you could read this book in a day or two. 

Spoilers, some:

OK, let's start with The Head. Holy shit. Scatological but with an interesting ending. Is there a moral there? "The Embodiment." Is the author saying something about men and their responsibility? Or, dare I? Women and their responsibility for the possible result of sex? The eponymous story was a good ol' curse story. "The Frozen Finger" is a good old-fashioned ghost story, with a twist. "Snare" is very much like the goose that laid the golden egg. "Scars" was probably my favorite, a combo Grecian myth and gladiator story. I want more. "Home Sweet Home" another ghost story. Good, but the "Finger" one was better. "Ruler of the Winds and Sands" is another old fashioned mythic story, a la Aladdin. Loved it. "Reunion" was definitely autobiographical. The author, talk about unique, is a Korean woman who earned a PhD in Slavic literature from Indiana University, who teaches Russian language and lit and science fiction at Yonsei University and (because all the aforementioned is not enough) translates Russian and Polish works into Korean. Damn! 

Spoilers 스포일러가 완료되었습니다

Read this book. This was so much fun. Plus it is a translated book, so now I'm at 3 more to go (out of 10) for Linguist level in the Books in Translation challenge.

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