Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Passage, by Justin Cronin

 Great dystopia, a la The Stand and Alas, Babylon. A little long, but well worth it.

Spoilers henceforth:

The book is practically in two sections. The first covers how we (read: the USG) ruined the world. (Or at least North America.) Of course we experiment on death row prisoners who turn out to become vampiric. Don't forget the weird (read: autistic) little girl who probably is the key to everything.

Part two is the resultant world 90+ years later. A colony, walled in. Think The Walking Dead. Somewhat similar. But these guys have lights. Which stay on all night long. So much so that no one really knows what stars are, except for the old lady (Auntie). 

One night, the little girl arrives. (Yes, that little girl from 90 years earlier! Wha?!?!) And everything starts to go bad. 

Enter the Army. Enter more dracs or smokes or whatever they decide to call the twelve original death row vampires. Hey, let's take a walk of about a year or two. 

Sounds silly, but it really was very good. The author does a good job of getting the reader interested in the lives of these folks. (Although I wanted Wolgast to come back in the end...sigh, he did not, but Sister Lacey!)

Spoilers complete.

Pretty good book. Helped that I got it out of the library and got the audiobook from the Boston library. Because 770+ pages take a while...


  1. Yeah my husband really liked the Passage a few years ago. It's a huge doorstopper of a book and I haven't gotten to it yet. I remember they tried to make a TV series off it but I think it lasted just one season. I'm glad you liked it. Are you interested in the author's new novel The Ferryman? It's only 538 pages, LoL.

  2. I figured they'd made a TV show when I got the audiobook, the cover looked very polished. I have The Ferryman on my 20 Books of Summer list, but the estimated wait for both the ebook and the audio- at the library is 7 months. :O


April 2024

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