Friday, July 21, 2023

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, by Stuart Turton

 Fun book. Very creative. 

Spoilers below:

So imagine you're stuck in one day. Yes, like that movie. But each day you're in a different body. Kinda. Instead, imagine eight people. You get to live in each body from waking to sleeping. Or death. You remember everything from the other lives. 

But why are you here? To discover a murdered. The killer of the eponymous Evelyn Hardcastle. You have to report who the murderer is if you want out of this hell. Oh, and there's someone in there with you who keeps waking up herself everyday, she just can't remember anything at first. You want to get her out of there too. 

The author did a great job managing the timeline. I picture him in a basement with a large whiteboard in front of him, tracking the wakes and sleeps off all the characters. And I wonder if he even knew when he began writing if he even knew who the murderer was or if he just wrote and waited till it came to him. The ending was quite surprising, at least to me. 

Spoilers done.

This book was this author's debut novel. Good work, Stuart! Great ride. 

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